Thursday, November 29, 2012

Getting Healthy a New Years Resolution

You have to love those New Years Resolutions.  We start off the new year with such great intentions.  We are determined to complete those resolutions.  

According to proactive change 40-45% of people make New Years resolutions but what makes those who quit different from those who don't?

Here's my opinion of what happens and why some succeed and some fail.

First we have to look at your emotional state of mind going into the New Years Resolution. Are you a "half empty" or a "half full" kind of person?
  1. If you look at the world at half empty you are more likely to fail at keeping your New Years resolution.  Negative out is negative in.  
  2. Is your New Years resolution attainable?  If you have been a smoker for 10+ years and you decide to quit cold turkey without any help statistics show that chances are you will light up within 10 days.
  3. Is your New Years to much?  Let's say your New Years resolution is to be more organized.  You clean you office, you get your strategy in place and you are ready.  Does your new plan make you work "more" than you had to when you were disorganized?  Let's be honest.....sometimes it's easier to play "catch up" than it is to stay organized.  If this is you make your New Years resolutions in small steps.  Plan on making one change each week or month to a more organized life.  Doing this will take a large resolution and break it down into smaller steps with the same end goal.
So your New Years Resolution is to live healthier.  So many make this their resolution and so few follow through with it.  If this is your resolution this year here are a few steps to help you succeed in keeping it.
  1. Get help!  Go to your Doctor before making any major changes on exercise or eating habits.
  2. Don't "change" overnight!  As with the organization resolution make small changes throughout the year.  (Talk this over with your Doctor).  Example would be: 
  • January: eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise one time a week. 
  • February:  Add one more day a week to exercising and cut 500 bad calories out of your diet.
  • March:   If you are a soda drinker decide this month you will replace one soda per day with a glass of water and add one more day a week of exercise.
Just make a small, attainable, change each month and by the end of the year you will discover you are living healthier, happier and it wasn't difficult.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do and remember to make small attainable changes and you will succeed!

This year for Christmas if you want to give her the gift of energy Premier Back Rehabilitation Center has gift certificates for Vitamin B12 shots!

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

What a woman really wants

So the book Men are from Mars Women are from Venus sold flew off the bookshelves when it came out....of course women purchased it hoping to understand the man in their life and hoping the man in their life would read it to understand them.

I can honestly say I did not read the book because I don't think you need to "read" about understanding the opposite sex you just need to watch!

Today we will talk about women and their "subtle" ways of telling you what they want but first we need to explore the complex world of a woman.

Women work ALL the time.  You may not see them doing fact you may see the nap on the couch and ask yourself, "why am I the only one who is picking up dog poop?"  Trust me...she is working because most women do not relax.  Even when they sleep they do not relax.  I cannot speak for all women because that is just crazy....the "x" chromosome is not equal in all women.  

I can say this when women are 

  • doing the dishes they are thinking about what else needs to be done.  
  • doing the laundry they are thinking about what to make for dinner.  
  • at their jobs they are thinking of what needs to be picked up at the store on the way home.
  • home they are scheduling their time between soccer practice and PTA.  
  •  sleeping they are thinking (dreaming) about everything that needs to be done the next day.
Women's minds just do not stop because the world does not stop.  Let me see if I can explain this so men out there can understand....women work on all cylinders.  

So what does a woman want?  This too is also simple.  They want
  • appreciation for what they do (even if you don't quite see it or understand it)
  • thank you on occasion.  You know your clothes you dump on the floor do not end up washed, pressed and hanging in your closet on their own.
  • a break now and then.  Take her (and the kids or get a babysitter) out to dinner.  There is no better relief than to not have to decide what to cook, then prepare dinner and then clean it up.
  • help doing some of the little things.  Unloading the dishwasher is a great thing to do to help the woman in your life.  Just make sure to put the dishes away where they are supposed to go because nothing is worse than when you need a vegetable peeler and you can't find it.
And here's the big one:  They want (need) more time and more energy. One of my favorite lines in a television show is from Desperate Housewives when Tom tells a tired Lynette he will take the kids to the park so she can have a break.  That would have been perfect if Tom hadn't followed up with "go soak in the tub or take a nap" because Lynette reminded him of all the laundry, bills to pay and other chores that she will be "relaxing" doing.  

It never ends and although women may blame their man for the endless things that have to be done but it is in a woman's DNA to keep going.  She will not ask for help because she doesn't want to burden you.  

If you really want to understand what the woman in your life wants....WATCH!!  You will find many things you can help with if you watch.  

Don't forget to:
  • Thank her occasionally for everything she does (even if you don't see her do it)
  • Appreciate your clean clothes hanging in the closet
  • Take a few things off her plate and put it on yours occasionally
Here's a big one that will score big points:
When you see her washing dishes, cooking dinner, doing laundry or any of the other million things that women do.....go up behind her and give her a hug.  Women know that you are "thanking" them for doing what they are doing.  Women know you are appreciating what they do.  
Want the spunky woman, fun loving lady, easy going wife back?  You thought I was going to tell you how to do this didn't you.....well the truth is she is gone.  That woman didn't have all the responsibilities this woman has.  That woman didn't juggle the kids, career, the house, the bills, the shopping, the scheduling, the holiday planning, you, etc.  That woman had time and energy to be spunky, fun loving and easy going.

What you can do is ease the burden.  What you can do is appreciate and show it.  What you can do is be understanding that everything she does is for you, you and the kids and for your family.  

That's a nutshell.  Stay tuned for what a man really wants.

This year for Christmas if you want to give her the gift of energy Premier Back Rehabilitation Center has gift certificates for Vitamin B12 shots!

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

What can you do, at home, to reduce your pain

Pain that is caused by stress, arthritis and/or inflammation is a constant problem.  What if I told you that, along with your Doctor's suggestion, you can help eliminate this pain by what you eat?

According to Dr. Hector L. Lopez Jr. MD: You are what you eat so why not eat what will aid you in pain management.

  • Flaxseed Oil: Instantly reduces pain related to inflammatory conditions and weak joints. The omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed are the best for people with arthritis or other inflammatory disorders. These fatty acids encourage the production of body chemicals that help control inflammation — in the joints, bloodstream, and tissues.
  • Red Grapes: This fruit contains vast amounts of resveratrol, a powerful compound that blocks the enzymes that contribute to tissue degeneration. Grapes are particularly good for the spine as lab experiments found resveratrol protected against cartilage damage that causes back pain.
  • Turmeric: This popular Indian spice normally found in curries and tasty dishes around the world provides a non-toxic compound called “cur cumin,” which has been proven to contain anti-inflammatory properties. It appears to work by preventing a protein associated with increased inflammation, from being activated in the joint.
  • Ginger: It is widely known ginger helps fight against stomach problems, but it is also a powerful painkiller. Almost two-thirds of patients with chronic knee pain reported less soreness upon standing after taking a ginger extract, according to a six-week study from the University of Miami. New research also suggests ginger may also help reduce post-workout pain.
  • Papaya: Papain, a protein-digesting enzyme, combined with antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E present in Papaya, helps to reduce inflammation, and improves digestion.
  • Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries help slow wear and tear of your joints. The antioxidant Vitamin C present in them keeps free radicals – cell-damaging molecules produced by inflammation – from wreaking havoc.
This information was taken directly from:  Modern Health

Okay so we know what we can eat but how can we incorporate this into our daily diet?  If you click on the item it will take you to a link that will give you suggestions on how you can incorporate this into your daily diet.  Red Grapes, Papaya and Berries are best if eaten in their natural state but I am going to share my favorite smoothie recipe with you:

In a blender combine:
  • 1/4 of the blender pour Orange or Pomegranate Juice (You can try different kinds but these are my favorites)
  • 2-3 Bananas
  • Peeled and seeded red grapes (I usually just use a stem per blender; about 20 grapes)
  • One papaya peeled and seeded
  • Blackberries, Raspberries, Blueberries and Strawberries.  (I use fresh if the season allows otherwise I use the frozen Great Value Berry Medley bag and use 1/2 the bag per blender)
  • Vanilla yogurt.  I add this last and put what I need to get the consistency that I like.
This recipe makes about 4 glasses and can be stored in the fridge.  I always "reblend" each day.

You can always add Flax seed to this mixture to get the added benefits.  Just remember Flax seed needs to be refrigerated once you open it.

Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do.

If you have any recipes you would like to share using any of the above items please do.  

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Can you say no to chocolate?

Chocolate, Chocolate and more Chocolate.  
It is hard enough to say no for the rest of the year but during the holiday season it's almost impossible!!

Maybe you don't have to say no to Chocolate to stay on your healthy lifestyle changes.  Maybe you can say "yes" to Chocolate and still lose weight!  

Please say it is so.

We've all grown up KNOWING that chocolate is fattening, right?  Than why is it that people who regularly eat Chocolate are thinner than those who don't?

We can thank UC San Diego researchers for their research and their discovery!!  Beatrice Golomb, Sabrina Koperski and Halbert White....they are my heroes!!  In their finding it was determined that eating chocolate will actually aid you in losing weight!!

Now that I have said this:  Moderation, as I have always said, is essential to losing weight...but this is good news!!

The researchers had 1018 men and women volunteers between the ages of 20-85 to do their research on.  They were asked how often a week they eat chocolate, other food s they ate and how often they exercised.  The chocolate eaters ate more saturated fat and exercised about the same as those who did not eat chocolate on a regular basis.  It didn't matter how the researches adjusted the data....the people who ate chocolate were thinner!!

The findings were that chocolate may help aid with metabolism which will offset the calories taken in when eating chocolate.  We know that metabolism is what helps you burn calories.  Those with a high metabolism can eat more as their body burns more.  We know that exercise will help speed up your metabolism.  Now chocolate?  Where do I sign up?

This news could not have come at a better time....right before the holidays!!

Tell me if this works for you.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Holiday eating

It's that time of year:  
candy, cake, cookies, calories, carbohydrates 
What does a person do? 

We have parties, parties, more parties. Gifts from co-workers usually mean more candy, cookies, cake, etc.  Gifts from clients are usually homemade candy, cookies, cake, etc.  

Here's what normally happens.  Summer sneaks up on us because it has been a long cold winter in our "comfy" clothes so when it's time for shorts and bathing suits we decide we are going to get serious.  It takes about a month to get into the "swing" of things but we are doing good.  August roles around and we are doing GREAT.  September couldn't be better.  

October:  The holiday that starts the "holiday season" off...and how does it do that? CANDY!

November:  Okay so this month isn't that bad if you pay attention.  One day (maybe two if you spend time with two families).  Let's look at the traditional Thanksgiving meal; Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, cranberry sauce, dessert.  Of course there are other things on this list but these are the foundation, right?  

First trick:  allow yourself only ONE plate.  Don't get another plate.  I am one of those people who cannot have their food "touch."  I know, I know....I'm working on it (not really) so what I do is I substitute the big plate for two small plates.

Turkey.  Not fattening, tastes good....pile it on your plate FIRST.  (If you have more turkey covering your plate than there is less room for the other goodies, right).

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy:  Who can pass that up.  You don't have to.  Moderation is the key.  One spoonful (not ladle) of potatoes and you are set.  Put the gravy in a little bowl and dip potatoes and turkey into it....don't smoother your food with it.

Stuffing:  One spoonful is all you need.  Take your spoon and spread the stuffing out on the plate.  You will trick your mind in thinking more is there and you will have less room on your plate.

Rolls:  Now this is where I have a problem.  I LOVE ROLLS!  Here is a great trick.  Open your roll on your plate.  It will look like "more" than it really is.  If you like to butter your roll, go ahead it is Thanksgiving but don't drown it.

Cranberry Sauce:  Not high on the list of foods to lose weight but what is Thanksgiving without it.  Just like the spoonful and you can enjoy it with moderation.

Vegetable:  At our house we do green bean casserole.  Green beans healthy....but don't over do it.  Whatever vegetable you have pile it on your plate if it's in a natural state.   

Dessert:  What would Thanksgiving be without dessert.  Cherry cheesecake, pumpkin pie, apple pie with ice cream of course.  Without dessert you will feel like you missed something.  Enjoy dessert but in moderation.  Start with half of a slice. 

Here's the trick on seconds:  Go healthy first.  More turkey or vegetables....okay.  Be careful on seconds of the other stuff.

It's okay to enjoy the holiday meals.  Just remember that Christmas and all the parties are coming up so don't "overdo" your eating.  

EVERYTHING in moderation is OKAY!!  Be aware of what you eat but don't over think it. Enjoy the time with family without panicking on what you are eating.  If you add 15 minutes to your cardio exercise routine each time throughout the holidays you will do just fine. 

Stay tuned on tips for the holiday parties and the six weeks of celebration.

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

America the Beautiful: History of Veterans Day

Click HERE and come back and read.

We live in a world that either supports the war or hates the war.  People choose sides.  People talk about their views on the war.  

I want to talk about the SOLDIER not the war.  I want to talk about their sacrifice.  
You can hate the war but still support the soldier who risks their life for you. No matter which side you the Soldier!  

My challenge to you is this:  Each and every time you see a Soldier tell them "thank you."  If you understand their sacrifice you will appreciate what they stand for.  

Today is Veteran's Day.  There have been many sacrifices for your right to have whatever opinion you may have.

The following is taken directly from:  United States Department of Veterans Affairs

In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…"
The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with parades and public meetings and a brief suspension of business beginning at 11:00 a.m.
The United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War I when it passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926, with these words:

  • Whereas the 11th of November 1918, marked the cessation of the most destructive, sanguinary, and far reaching war in human annals and the resumption by the people of the United States of peaceful relations with other nations, which we hope may never again be severed, and
  • Whereas it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations; and
  • Whereas the legislatures of twenty-seven of our States have already declared November 11 to be a legal holiday: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), that the President of the United States is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on November 11 and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all other peoples.
An Act (52 Stat. 351; 5 U. S. Code, Sec. 87a) approved May 13, 1938, made the 11th of November in each year a legal holiday—a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as "Armistice Day." Armistice Day was primarily a day set aside to honor veterans of World War I, but in 1954, after World War II had required the greatest mobilization of soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen in the Nation’s history; after American forces had fought aggression in Korea, the 83rd Congress, at the urging of the veterans service organizations, amended the Act of 1938 by striking out the word "Armistice" and inserting in its place the word "Veterans." With the approval of this legislation (Public Law 380) on June 1, 1954, November 11th became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The truth about losing weight

DIET this, DIET that

I tried this new diet and I can't believe how much I've lost.

You have got to try is so easy.

Sign up today and you will get a free month of food.

It's time to STOP THE MADNESS!

I don't know about you but I am tired of hearing about all the "great ways" out there to lose weight.  Yes, they may be great at taking the weight off but not so great at keeping it off and the worst part about doesn't change how you think about food, exercise and weight loss.

The truth is no matter HOW good the diet or the program until YOU change how you feel about it ....nothing changes long term.

I have a friend that swears by the "no carb" diet.  He (yes I said he) does this four times a year.  Why does he do it four times a year....because he only loses weight when he doesn't eat carbs. When he goes back to "normal" he gains it back.  

"Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results" Albert Einstein.

The truth is this:  Unless YOU change what YOU do nothing will work forever.

You have to change how you see healthy living (or weight loss).  
  • Anyone can have their meals prepared for them, sent to your door and lose weight if they follow the program.  BUT what happens when you reach your goal?  Do you spend a lifetime having your meals sent to your door?
  • Anyone can stop eating carbs for a month and lose weight but, like my friend, what happens when you go back to normal meals?
So what do you do?  You change how you feel about food.  I love the saying "Eat to Live not Live to Eat."

Changing starts with understanding.  Understand why you are eating what you eat and when you eat it so keep a diary.  Write down what you are eating, time of day you are eating, who you are with and how you feel at that moment.  You will be surprised at what you find out.

Changing your emotional habits are hard but to do this for a LIFETIME you have to understand them to make a real change.

Start a diary....yes I know it's going to be difficult BUT CHANGE IS DIFFICULT.  Keep your diary for a minimum of one week (unless you are the type of person who will "watch" what you do for a week so you avoid adding it to your diary).  Remember, you only cheat yourself if you cheat the diary.  I always suggest keeping it for a month.  Take your diary to your Doctor and discuss what can be done about your patterns.

Everything worth having is worth waiting for.  If it isn't hard to achieve it's value is worth nothing.

If you are in Southern Colorado and want to discuss a life change with a Doctor I highly recommend Dr. Sutton of Premier Back Rehabilitation Center.

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

If exercising is hard for's a suggestion

The thought of exercising when you are in pain or overweight is sometimes the worst thought you can have.  

No matter what your thoughts are about exercising there is a way around them.  Here is an idea that will keep your pain down and get your heart rate up.  Once you do this for a while you will be ready to tackle other types of exercise.

Chair aerobics!

First:  Find your favorite music with a fast beat.  This could be anything.  Try to get at least 20 minutes of this music.

Grab a chair:  Preferably one without arms but any chair will do.

Turn on the music and get going.  
  • Wave your arms in the air.
  • Imagine holding a bar (like those for weight lifting) and press your arms up and down quickly.  
  • Arms to your sides, elbows bent at a 90 degree angle and bring forward and back quickly.  (Do not take your elbows or arms past your shoulders when coming back so you do not pull any muscles).
  • Arms out to your side, elbows bent at a 90 degree angle and push up to the ceiling and back down to your starting position.
  • Arms straight out to your sides and bring them forward to clap your hands and back out to your sides.  (Again don't let your arms go back any further than your shoulders.)
  • Same starting position but now bring your arms up and clap over your head and back to the starting position.
  • Punch forward: Alternating arms
Now for the legs:
  • Alternate kicking each foot up.  Lift your foot up to be even with your knee (or as high as you can comfortably do)
  • Toe taps out to the side.  Alternate the right and left leg.
  • Knee lifts.  Alternating your knees bring one at a time up to your chest.
The truth is you just need to get going so your heart rate comes up.  Do what is fun.  Here is a video that can give you a workout.  This video is geared towards Seniors BUT even if you are younger there is a reason you cannot do the "traditional" aerobic exercise so start out with this.  Make this your workout!!!  To view the video click HERE.

Remember if it hurts it's okay.  If it causes pain don't do can always "alter" the exercise to YOUR body and abilities!!

Please consult your physician before starting any exercise program.

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another way to exercise at home

Everyone needs to exercise and everyone exercises for different reasons; heart health, lose weight, stay strong, etc.

Today we are going to talk about Cardiovascular Exercise:  Getting your heart pumping to either keep your hear healthy or lose weight.

If you just don't have the time to go to a gym or you are just too uncomfortable going to a gym there are alternatives to this.  Remember we talked about the best exercise you can do is the one you will do.  If you missed that blog click here to read it. 
photo compliments of

First thing you must do is decide WHAT you like to do.  Once you know this it's time to find the right way to incorporate this with an exercise program.  There are many exercise DVD's out there that you can pop in and get moving to.  They range from beginners to advanced so choose your program accordingly.  I highly suggest that "to save money" you don't purchase the advanced to work up to it.  If it's too difficult you will not enjoy doing it so you won't and it will be another thing that you started out with great intention but now collect dust.  Here is a tip about these DVD's:  Collecting dust....Look for these items in yard sales, ebay, craigslist, etc. because someone out there bought it and has either advanced to a more difficult or just didn't like it.

Until you decide what it is that you want to do....try this.  Turn on the music (preferably the music with a fast beat) and get moving, dancing, having fun in your home.  I love to turn up the music and dance around the house (yes, some of my neighbors think I am crazy).  I like to pick music from my earlier years because music brings memories so I can dance and talk a walk down memory lane at the same time.  

photo compliments of insatiablereaders
The first time you do this may be "uncomfortable" for you but keep doing it as that feeling will go away when you allow yourself to have fun.  Close the curtains and blinds if you don't want your neighbors to see and HAVE FUN.  Start out small if you haven't exercised for a while.  One song a day is more than you did yesterday, right?  Work up to more and eventually you may feel comfortable with the exercise DVD's.  When it is that time to find the DVD look for the programs that is like the music you have danced to.  Those programs only work if you do them. You won't do them if you don't enjoy it.  
photo compliments of

There are so many out there; aerobics, dance, zumba, ti chi, palates, step (you will have to either have a step at home, purchase one or just do the program without the step).  I have been asked "which program is best?"  My answer is this:  Whichever one you will do and have fun with.  No one sticks with an exercise program they don't enjoy so it's okay to do a little trial and error first.  Ask your friends if they have a program you can borrow to see if you enjoy it.  A little exercise is better than no exercise so decide what you WANT to do and JUST DO IT.  (Gotta love Nike for that one).

Please check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.

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